Wash a cashmere product


In the latest fashion news, the proper way to wash cashmere garments has made headlines. Cashmere is a luxurious and delicate material that requires special care to maintain its softness and shape. However, many people are unaware of the proper way to clean cashmere items, which can lead to shrinkage, fading and other damage.

According to industry experts, hand washing is the gentlest and most effective way to clean cashmere. Cold water and a mild detergent such as baby shampoo or a special cashmere cleaner are recommended. Clothes should be submerged in water and agitated gently, then rinsed thoroughly. Avoid wringing the fabric or rubbing vigorously, as this can damage the fibers.

Another important tip is to always dry your cashmere flat, rather than hanging it or using a dryer. Hanging clothes can cause them to stretch and become deformed, while the heat of the dryer can shrink and damage fibers. Instead, place the garment on a clean towel and roll it up to absorb excess moisture. Then, carefully reshape the fabric and lay it flat in a well-ventilated area to dry.

It is also recommended to store cashmere items folded instead of hanging them in a closet. This will help prevent any stretching or warping of the fabric over time. It’s also important to keep cashmere out of direct sunlight or sources of heat, as this can cause the fibers to fade or dry out.

By following these proper methods of washing and caring for cashmere, individuals can ensure their luxurious garments stay soft, look great and last. With the right amount of attention and care, a cashmere garment can become a timeless addition to any wardrobe.

Post time: Mar-07-2023