Difference Between Cashmere and Wool


1. The scale arrangement of wool is tighter and thicker than that of cashmere, and its shrinkage is greater than that of cashmere. Cashmere fiber has small and smooth scales on the outside, and there is an air layer in the middle of the fiber, so it is light in weight and feels smooth and waxy.


2. The crimp of wool is smaller than that of cashmere, and the number of crimps, crimp rate, and crimp recovery rate of cashmere fibers are all larger. Good reduction characteristics, especially in the aspects of no shrinkage after washing and good shape retention. Because cashmere has a high natural crimp, it is closely arranged in spinning and weaving, and has good cohesion, so it has good heat retention, which is 1.5 times to 2 times that of wool.


3. The cortex content of cashmere is higher than that of wool, and the rigidity of cashmere fiber is better than that of wool, that is, cashmere is softer than wool.


4. The unevenness of the fineness of cashmere is smaller than that of wool, and the appearance quality of its products is better than that of wool.


5. The fineness of cashmere fiber is uniform, its density is smaller than that of wool, the cross section is mostly regular circle, and its products are lighter and thinner than wool products.


6. The hygroscopicity of cashmere is better than that of wool, which can fully absorb dyes and is not easy to fade. The moisture regain is high and the resistance value is relatively large.


7. The acid and alkali resistance of wool is better than that of cashmere, and it is also less damaged than cashmere when it encounters oxidants and reducing agents.


8. The pilling resistance of wool products is generally better than that of cashmere products, but the felting shrinkage is large.


Post time: Oct-20-2022